Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grey Corduroy Pants Love!

It has been many years since I have owned a pair of corduroy pants. The last pair I acquired were secondhand from a friend and though I loved their burgundy shade, they did no fit me quite right. I just had to let them go to someone they would fit better.

Now, as summer finally heats up, I am seeing Fall clothing creeping into online sites. Mixing with summer clothing in such temperature inappropriate ways. It gets me thinking about Fall and when I see a great pair of corduroy pants like there:

Above: Change of View Corduroy Pants by sass & bide

I cannot help but think about my lack of corduroy in my wardrobe. It makes me feel like I must find the perfect, snug fitting, flared, grey, corduroy pants for Fall.

Must. Hide. Credit. Card.

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